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join The daniel project

The Daniel Project is a strategic and focused ministry to place and support near-culture Christians to spread the gospel in very difficult places.

Vision Trip InfoGive to the Daniel Project

The goal of the Daniel Project is to steward church finances to support efficient and effective evangelism and church planting in Central Asia.

The mission of the Daniel Project is to place and support church planting teams in the major cities in the historical region of Asia Minor. These teams will primarily be composed of believers from similar cultures of this region and work with existing church planting teams. 

Daniel and the others with him went to the area of the Medes (modern day Kurdish regions) where godly men were. The result was that many there turned to the living God of Daniel. We are trusting God to once again make his name strong in this region. 

make a gospel impact in hard to reach places

Sign Up Now for a Daniel Project Vision Trip!

April 21–May 1 • Istanbul, Cappadocia, Ephesus

The Daniel Project Vision Trip, April 21st through May 1st, 2025, is an intensive ministry trip designed to help pastors & church leaders see the Daniel Project firsthand. Get to know local personnel and discover how your church can engage with near-culture church planting.

The Daniel Project Vision

The Daniel Project exists to connect American churches with near-culture Christians to boldly proclaim the gospel in hard to reach places.

What’s different about the daniel project?

The Daniel Project is a new and strategic way of raising, equipping, sending, and funding overseas church planters.

So what’s different about the Daniel Project? The Daniel Project recruits highly trained believers from cultures that are very near to unreached people groups. This enables them to more quickly adapt to the culture earn credibility among its people. In addition these missionaries require only a fraction of the financial support than North Americans. Partnering with “Near-Culture Christians” is a very efficient and effective way of engaging in cross-cultural gospel ministry.

Why “daniel project”?

“I make a decree, that in all my royal dominion people are to tremble and fear before the God of Daniel, for he is the living God, enduring forever; his kingdom shall never be destroyed, and his dominion shall be to the end. He delivers and rescues; he works signs and wonders in heaven and on earth, he who has saved Daniel from the power of the lions.” 

– Daniel 6:26-27

In 600 BC, the prophet Daniel was taken into exile in Babylon. In a dark and alien place, God used Daniel’s faithfulness to bring glory to Himself and to expand His fame among the nations.

In today’s complex world, it has become even more difficult for church leaders who want to make a strategic impact impact for the gospel in difficult places around the world. We are called to faithfully answer the call of the Great Commission though there will be challenges at every step. Finding, recruiting, training, and supporting American Christians to go to places that are difficult to reach, such as Turkey, can be long, slow, and expensive. We will always need to send our best and brightest to do gospel-centered ministry and church planting overseas, but there are other strategic ways to reach the nations with the gospel.

The Daniel Project is a strategic and focused ministry to place and support near-culture Christians to serve in predominantly Muslim countries, such as Turkey.

see the daniel project in action

take a vision Trip

The Daniel Project Vision Trip is a 1-week trip designed to help church leaders see the Daniel Project firsthand. Church leaders get to know Daniel Project personnel and discover how their church can get involved with near-culture church planting.

Our Personnel

The Daniel Project was started in 2008 to connect church leaders with near-culture believers in hard to reach places. How can we help your church reach the lost?

Tim Lubinus

Director and Founder

Ben Bradley

Communications Coordinator